Download the Essential Employee Handbook
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Express Edition includes these policies:

  • At-Will Employment
  • Anti-Harassment
  • Anti-Substance Use
  • Attendance Control / Absence
  • Background Check
  • Benefits Overview
  • Change in Status
  • Confidentiality
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Dating
  • Dress Code
  • Driving
  • Drug Testing
  • Electronic / Telephonic Communications
  • Employee References
  • Equal Opportunity
  • Immigration Law Compliance
  • Leaves of Absence
  • Performance Reviews
  • Personnel Records
  • Profanity
  • Reasonable Accommodations
  • Resignation
  • Salary / Payroll
  • Separation of Employment
  • Site Closings
  • Smoking
  • Social Media
  • Standards of Conduct
  • Work Schedule
  • Workplace Violence

  • (scroll down list for full set of policies)
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